Veteran Resources
Eligibility Criteria
Served in the Uniformed Services on Active Duty, OR
Active Duty for Training, OR
Inactive duty Training, AND
You were discharged under other than dishonorable conditions, AND
You were at least 10% disabled by an injury or disease that was incurred or aggravated during active duty service, active duty training, or inactive duty training.
By the way, if you were on inactive duty training your disability must have resulted from injury, heart attack, or stroke.
At CSM Angels Refuge, we are committed to reducing homelessness among veterans by offering a comprehensive range of tailored services.
Our team of advocates is equipped to support veterans with inquiries and the completion of claims related to VA benefits, including disability compensation, pension, education, health care, home loans, insurance, vocational rehabilitation, employment, and burial.
We recommend utilizing eBenefits, a convenient platform where veterans can apply for additional benefits, monitor benefit status, and access a variety of resources from the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs. By creating a free Premium account on eBenefits, veterans, Servicemembers, and their families can independently manage transactions such as checking claim status, enrolling in the GI Bill, and obtaining important personal documents.
Disability compensation is available to veterans who have incurred physical or mental conditions (at a minimum of 10% disability) during their time in active duty, active duty training, or inactive duty training.
Department of Veterans Affairs Homeless Veteran Help Line 1-877-424-3838
Medical evidence showing current physical or mental disability. AND
Evidence that there is an association between your disability and military service. Medical Evidence or Medical Opinion are required to establish this relationship. www.vamedclaims.com
Home Loans - Veterans United Home Loans | #1 VA Lender for Homebuyers
VA Medical Center
Education - Interactive VA Homebuying Course from Veterans United
Appeals regarding disability benefits
Surviving Spouse Benefits
Eligible Spouse-
Non Eligible-
CSM is dedicated to working with each guest on an individual basis, assisting them to establish realistic, attainable, and achievable goals to progress towards a secure and sustainable future.
A comprehensive, community-wide approach is essential to effectively address homelessness. This involves coordination of services, housing, and programs.
We strive to cultivate a community of guests and volunteers built on compassion, empathy, and mutual respect. The welfare of our guests, staff, and volunteers is our top priority.
It is important to recognize that addressing homelessness requires multifaceted solutions that address the complex practical, emotional, and social challenges faced by our guests.
We aim to collaborate with corporate partners and organizations in the third sector to create increased employment and training opportunities for our guests.
Our advocacy efforts focus on raising awareness about homelessness issues and influencing public policy.
Through the creation of diverse and accessible volunteering opportunities, we aim to engage and support the local community.
Homeless Housing Assistance
Contact a homeless service provider in the area for assistance.
Identify a local community development and affordable housing contact.
Visit justshelter.org to locate community organizations dedicated to preserving affordable housing, preventing evictions, and reducing family homelessness.
Renters: Discover Budget-Friendly Housing Options
Discover cost-effective rental housing options in your vicinity.
Locate HIV/AIDS housing and services in your area.
Explore State Housing Finance Agencies offering affordable rental properties.
Find subsidized units in rural regions.
Discover affordable units in properties backed by tax credits.
Search for HUD homes available for purchase on HUDHomestore.gov.
Explore options for home improvement assistance.
Discover resources to help prevent foreclosure in your area or contact the Making Home AJordable hotline at 888-995-4673.
Food Insecurity: Relief Options
Locate your nearest Food Bank for assistance.
Apply for WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) Benefits.
Apply for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Benefits.
Explore additional food programs that may be available to you.